diagnostics 问题诊断



  • (剖析)Profiling: Profiling tools analyze the complexity and costs of a Go program such as its memory usage and frequently called functions to identify the expensive sections of a Go program.
  • (跟踪)Tracing: Tracing is a way to instrument code to analyze latency throughout the lifecycle of a call or user request. Traces provide an overview of how much latency each component contributes to the overall latency in a system. Traces can span multiple Go processes.
  • (调试)Debugging: Debugging allows us to pause a Go program and examine its execution. Program state and flow can be verified with debugging.
  • (运行时分析和事件)Runtime statistics and events: Collection and analysis of runtime stats and events provides a high-level overview of the health of Go programs. Spikes/dips of metrics helps us to identify changes in throughput, utilization, and performance.

Profiling 剖析


  • cpu: CPU profile determines where a program spends its time while actively consuming CPU cycles (as opposed to while sleeping or waiting for I/O).

  • (堆分析)heap: Heap profile reports memory allocation samples; used to monitor current and historical memory usage, and to check for memory leaks. (线程的创建)threadcreate: Thread creation profile reports the sections of the program that lead the creation of new OS threads.

  • (协程)goroutine: Goroutine profile reports the stack traces of all current goroutines.

  • (阻塞)block: Block profile shows where goroutines block waiting on synchronization primitives (including timer channels). Block profile is not enabled by default; use runtime.SetBlockProfileRate to enable it.

  • (锁)mutex: Mutex profile reports the lock contentions. When you think your CPU is not fully utilized due to a mutex contention, use this profile. Mutex profile is not enabled by default, see runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction to enable it.

  • 还不够?那就上操作系统级别的工具 参考文档 [ebpf]

Tracing 跟踪

go 目前暂不提供自动的函数调用跟踪办法 需要手动添加

Debugging 调试

  • Delve: go 实现的程序调试器
  • GDB: 通用调试器 gccgo 提供对 go程序的支持

更好的调试建议 关闭编译器优化

 go build -gcflags=all="-N -l"

1.10 之后新的编译参数

$ go build -gcflags="-dwarflocationlists=true"

使用 core dump 文件 进行线上调试

Runtime statistics and events 运行时统计和事件

  • runtime.ReadMemStats
  • debug.ReadGCStats
  • debug.Stack
  • debug.WriteHeapDump
  • runtime.NumGoroutine

Execution tracer

Go comes with a runtime execution tracer to capture a wide range of runtime events. Scheduling, syscall, garbage collections, heap size, and other events are collected by runtime and available for visualization by the go tool trace. Execution tracer is a tool to detect latency and utilization problems. You can examine how well the CPU is utilized, and when networking or syscalls are a cause of preemption for the goroutines.

GODEBUG 设置debug参数

GODEBUG=gctrace=1 prints garbage collector events at each collection, summarizing the amount of memory collected and the length of the pause. GODEBUG=inittrace=1 prints a summary of execution time and memory allocation information for completed package initialization work. GODEBUG=schedtrace=X prints scheduling events every X milliseconds.

GODEBUG=cpu.all=off disables the use of all optional instruction set extensions. GODEBUG=cpu.extension=off disables use of instructions from the specified instruction set extension. extension is the lower case name for the instruction set extension such as sse41 or avx.